Mobile app engagement and user retention are two metrics that provide genuine insight into the success of an application. Low engagement and retention are a recipe for failure in apps development, while high engagement and retention equal the opposite. Here’s how it all works:
This represents how active users are on the application. While this is a somewhat subjective metric, it describes highly engaged users as users that participate in 11 or more app sessions a month. The higher the engagement rate, the higher the success rate.
User Retention:
While again a somewhat subjective term, the industry benchmark for it is the percentage of an app’s users who return to the app within three months of their first session. It’s important to note that every brand, depending on the nature of the app, gives the user what it takes to keep their attention attached to the app in a recurring order.
Major Key to For an Application’s Success:
For the success of an app, it is important to engage new users early and often. 50 percent of users who engage with an app a week after doing it will stick around and 90 percent of users who engage with the app on weekly basis for the first month after installing it also stick around.
Methods for Increasing App Engagement and User Retention:
With an uncountable number of mobile apps and a higher expectation for a user-friendly interface and user experience, app engagement and user retention are key elements to convert a curious, first term user in a long-term active user. Here are some strategies to increase app engagement and user retention:
#1 Efficient Onboarding Process:
Make your onboarding process as simple and intuitive as possible. The more difficult it is to begin using an app, the more likely users are to abandon it.
#2 Simplify User Experience:
Simplify the user experience by reducing the number of steps that are important to create an account or sign up. Include multiple registration options, for example, login with Facebook or Google.
#3 Introduce the App:
Offer feature education throughout the onboarding experience to introduce the app’s functionality, but don’t overload users right away. Reveal the primary gestures step by step.
#4 Effective Customer Service:
People who experience some degree of personalized brand interaction are more likely to return an app for 11 or more sessions. To put it in perspective, if you enter a physical store and aren’t acknowledged, you’d probably be disappointed with the customer service. Consider app interaction in the same light.
#5 In-App Messages:
To keep the user’s loyal to it, you have to align your app experience with a user’s needs and preferences. Brands using in-app messages to communicate with users experience a steady user retention level. In-app messages are notifications that don’t require immediate action but are nonetheless important notifications to receive. These can include warnings about app issues or version upgrades. Keep in mind that not every message you send will be relevant to every single user.
Engagement and user retention are vital for apps development. This guide holds all you need to consider for engaging your audience with your application.