The worst part about the internet is that it publicizes everything- including your biggest mistakes. For businesses, bouncing back from public humiliation takes a toll on their well-being. Taking this into account, it is imperative for companies to employ an effective social media marketing strategy to avoid the top mistakes that businesses make in social media marketing.
Some of the most common blunders are made on Instagram, which is one of the most popular platforms for social media marketing. If you are planning to create a social media marketing strategy, review the ensuing guide beforehand.
Mistake # 1: Investing in followers
Most businesses create an Instagram strategy with the misconception that buying likes and followers would increase their brand credibility. While this statement is true to a certain extent, it is not completely accurate. In this case, the problem arises when the true objective of social media marketing is not achieved. If you buy likes, followers, and automated comments, the people you are marketing to would have no interest in the products or services that your business offers. As a result, there would be no engagement on your page, and the entire purpose of running a social media strategy would go to waste.
Mistake # 2: A visually-unaesthetic image
Instagram is a platform that targets a visually-stimulated audience. Considering this, if your brand uploads pictures that are not aesthetic, you can lose quite a few followers, as well as potential customers. With that said, you do not have to invest money in hiring a professional photographer, rather you can make do with a good-quality phone camera. When it comes to uploading pictures on Instagram, your goal should be to create an image that makes the followers crave the need to indulge in your product. Therefore, it is recommended to use natural lighting and creative techniques to make your product the star of the show.
Mistake # 3: An inappropriate posting schedule
Social media is a sensitive place to market your brand. From your image quality to your post timings, everything needs to be precise. Taking this into consideration, it is imperative to deduce the number of times you need to make a post on the chosen platform. If you post too often, your followers can feel overwhelmed and frustrated, however, if you fail to make a post for a few months, you may just be forgotten. Therefore, it is essential to post at just the right amount of times, so your followers can feel attracted to your brands. Another helpful tip for creating a posting schedule is to gather an understanding of the time at which your followers are active. When you make a post at this time, your image would be visible in the feed, without drowning in the billions of other photos. Branding your company on social media platforms, particularly Instagram, requires you to post engaging, relevant and high-quality content, at the right time and for the right people. So, take the aforementioned tips into consideration before creating an Instagram strategy, or hire a social media management agency to help you out!