You may be very skilled at SEO, but SEO is a time taking process. It takes around 4-5 months for complete results to start appearing or put simply, things your client can actually see. There is a whole lot of task that is continuously done on a daily basis to achieve the desired results after months. So how do you update your clients about the work and all milestones you’re achieving, considering your clients aren’t very thorough in technical knowledge? The answer is SEO reports. You include all the work you have done, or are in the process of doing, in these reports. Making these reports can be a seemingly difficult task.
Here are some important elements you must include in your report to give your clients the best representation of your work.
1. Traffic
Most clients want organic traffic on their website. If this is what your client requires, begin your SEO report with traffic. You can use Google Analytics to see the traffic coming on their website, and subsequently, paste a screenshot of it in the report to display all the specifics about where the traffic comes from. This will guide you about your strong areas and where you should spend more.
2. Conversion Rate
Having heavy traffic on your client’s site is obviously great, but the more important things to convert that traffic. Your clients are looking for customers that visit their website and end up purchasing their services/goods, so this conversion rate metric might be the most important one for your client.
3. Page Speed
You can check the speed through Google analytics or another Google tool that is Page speed insights. Make use of such tools to give your clients proper statistics for the speed of their pages and the areas that need fixing. The page speed depends upon multiple factors and even the little things can slow it down, for instance, images or big videos. Your client will only learn the importance of SEO when they see that the user experience is improving, and this comes through the load speed of your site.
4. Bounce Rate
Bounce rates or the time users spend on your site are usually shown in the report to let the clients know what fixes are needed on the site. When monitoring pages, make sure you include the core pages of your site that are full of content that you want your users to engage with. Do not include pages that have outbound links because their only purpose is to direct users to other sites.
5. Links And Rankings
It is better not to report on individual keyword rankings. This is because Google varies results, depending on multiple elements like history, customization, and the location from where the user is searching. Therefore, it is advised to include rankings in the overall performance report.
As for links, you can find a plethora of tools that help check your links. Secondly, these tools help you come close to your competitors. For instance, if your client’s competitor’s site page is getting a high number of links, you can make something like that for your client, as well.
6. Future Plan
Most SEO companies tend to ignore this metric because they’re too occupied in data, statistics, and figures. Know that including your future plans will help your client stick with you. Also, include remarks and suggestion section for the client to engage with you and let you know what else can be done.
You may be employing some of the best SEO techniques, but sending out reports is the most important. It enables you to compare your performance in different timeframes.